Programming with push button to control motor help

I am doing a project using 2 push button to control 2 dc motor and 1 ultrasonic sensor to detect the wall

Press LeftButton and RightButton and robot move forward
Press LeftButton and the robot turn left
Press RightButton and the robot turn right
If ultrasonic sensor infront of robot sense the wall infront of it less than 20cm the robot stop
So if there is wall infront of the robot less than 20cm it should not be moving

if I press LeftButton the robot turn left and when it sense the wall infront of it less than 20cm instead of stopping but it continue moving
this problem is the same for Turn right and forward

how to solve this problem, what should I change in my program

int RightButton = 3;
int LeftButton = 4;
int MotorRight = 5;
int MotorLeft= 6;
int trigPin = 7;
int echoPin = 8;

int RightButtonStatus = 0;
int LeftButtonStatus = 0;

long duration;
int distance;

void setup() 
  pinMode(RightButton ,INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(LeftButton ,INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(MotorRight ,OUTPUT);
  pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT); 
  pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);

void loop()
  int RightButtonStatus = digitalRead(RightButton );
  int LeftButtonStatus = digitalRead(LeftButton);

 digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
 digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
 duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
 distance= duration*0.034/2;
 Serial.print("Distance: ");
  if ((RightButtonStatus == HIGH) && (LeftButtonStatus == HIGH) && (distance < 20))//Move Forward
  digitalWrite(MotorRight ,HIGH);
  digitalWrite(MotorLeft ,HIGH);
  else if ((RightButtonStatus == LOW) && (LeftButtonStatus == HIGH)&& (distance < 20))//Turn Left
  digitalWrite(MotorRight ,HIGH);
  digitalWrite(MotorLeft ,LOW);
 else ((RightButtonStatus == HIGH )&& (LeftButtonStatus == LOW)&& (distance < 20)); //Turn Left
  digitalWrite(MotorRight ,LOW);
  digitalWrite(MotorLeft ,HIGH);

I don't like using this type of complex IF statement followed by ELSE

if ((RightButtonStatus == HIGH) && (LeftButtonStatus == HIGH) && (distance < 20))

Three tests gives 8 options and only one of them is correct. You have no means to know which of the other 7 gives rise to the ELSE.

I would cascade the tests like this

if ((RightButtonStatus == HIGH) {
    if (LeftButtonStatus == HIGH) {
       if (distance < 20) {

and then you can apply an appropriate ELSE for each condition separately.

I also suspect that your distance test should be completely separate. The buttons start the thing moving and while it is moving there is a regular test for distance which may result in it stopping.

This seems like a good application for a state-machine approach (look it up). The different button combinations would set the movement state - maybe 'F' for forward, 'L' for left, ''R' for right and 'S' for stop.

The buttons would set F, L or R and the distance would set the S

The code to operate the motor would just check the value of the state variable.

Separating a program into short single purpose functions makes it much easier to develop and test. Your code in loop() could be as simple as

void loop() {

Have a look at Planning and Implementing a Program


I am doing a project using 2 push button to control 2 dc motor and 1 ultrasonic sensor to detect the wall

Press LeftButton and RightButton and robot move forward
Press LeftButton and the robot turn left
Press RightButton and the robot turn right
If ultrasonic sensor infront of robot sense the wall infront of it less than 20cm the robot stop
So if there is wall infront of the robot less than 20cm it should not be moving

if I press LeftButton the robot turn left and when it sense the wall infront of it less than 20cm instead of stopping but it continue moving
this problem is the same for Turn right and forward

how to solve this problem, what should I change in my program

int RightButton = 3;
int LeftButton = 4;
int MotorRight = 5;
int MotorLeft= 6;
int trigPin = 7;
int echoPin = 8;

int RightButtonStatus = 0;
int LeftButtonStatus = 0;

long duration;
int distance;

void setup() 
  pinMode(RightButton ,INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(LeftButton ,INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(MotorRight ,OUTPUT);
  pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT); 
  pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);

void loop()
  int RightButtonStatus = digitalRead(RightButton );
  int LeftButtonStatus = digitalRead(LeftButton);

 digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
 digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
 digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
 duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
 distance= duration*0.034/2;
 Serial.print("Distance: ");
  if ((RightButtonStatus == HIGH) && (LeftButtonStatus == HIGH) && (distance < 20))//Move Forward
  digitalWrite(MotorRight ,HIGH);
  digitalWrite(MotorLeft ,HIGH);
  else if ((RightButtonStatus == LOW) && (LeftButtonStatus == HIGH)&& (distance < 20))//Turn Left
  digitalWrite(MotorRight ,HIGH);
  digitalWrite(MotorLeft ,LOW);
 else ((RightButtonStatus == HIGH )&& (LeftButtonStatus == LOW)&& (distance < 20)); //Turn Left
  digitalWrite(MotorRight ,LOW);
  digitalWrite(MotorLeft ,HIGH);

Press LeftButton and RightButton and robot move forward
Press LeftButton and the robot turn left
Press RightButton and the robot turn right

With INPUT_PULLUP as the pinMode, it looks like the logic related to button status is backwards. How are the buttons actually wired, and what do they read when pressed and not pressed?

If ultrasonic sensor in front of robot sense the wall in front of it less than 20 cm the robot stop
So if there is wall in front of the robot less than 20 cm it should not be moving

Why are all the conditionals causing motor action in your code requiring distance to be < 20? < is less than and > is greater than.

It also appears that you never actually stop the motors if both buttons are not pressed.

You never actually turn the motors off. I'd also suggest separating the distance/stop check from the directional conditionals. Try this (not compiled, not tested):

int RightButton = 3;
int LeftButton = 4;
int MotorRight = 5;
int MotorLeft= 6;
int trigPin = 7;
int echoPin = 8;

int RightButtonStatus = 0;
int LeftButtonStatus = 0;

long duration;
int distance;

void setup() 
    pinMode(RightButton ,INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(LeftButton ,INPUT_PULLUP);
    pinMode(MotorRight ,OUTPUT);
    pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT); 
    pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);

void loop()
    int RightButtonStatus = digitalRead(RightButton );
    int LeftButtonStatus = digitalRead(LeftButton);

    digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
    digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
    duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
    distance= duration*0.034/2;
    Serial.print("Distance: ");

    //need to check for > 0 since if nothing is in front of
    //sensor distance will be set to 0
    if( distance < 20 && distance > 0 )
        digitalWrite(MotorRight ,LOW);
        digitalWrite(MotorLeft ,LOW); 
        if ((RightButtonStatus == HIGH) && (LeftButtonStatus == HIGH) )//Move Forward
            digitalWrite(MotorRight ,HIGH);
            digitalWrite(MotorLeft ,HIGH);
        else if ((RightButtonStatus == LOW) && (LeftButtonStatus == HIGH) )//Turn Left
            digitalWrite(MotorRight ,HIGH);
            digitalWrite(MotorLeft ,LOW);
        else ((RightButtonStatus == HIGH )&& (LeftButtonStatus == LOW) ) //Turn right
            digitalWrite(MotorRight ,LOW);
            digitalWrite(MotorLeft ,HIGH);
            digitalWrite(MotorRight ,LOW);
            digitalWrite(MotorLeft ,LOW);            



Please don't double post. I replied in your other thread 2 days ago.


I've merged your cross posts @ Alextak.

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