December 26, 2015, 12:00pm
I just got a starter kit and trying some things
Today i tryed the project 12 Knocklock.
But when i wanne upload it to my arduino uno i get the following error.
error: 'checkForKnock' was not declared in this scope if(checkForKnock(knockVal) == true){ ^
I just take the sample file out off arduino studio. (see attachment)
Someone a idea?
p12_KnockLock.ino (3.87 KB)
Well I have loaded the code you have attached and it compiles without problem.
December 26, 2015, 5:52pm
Thats very stranges
I keep getting problems
Complete removed arduino studio and reinstalled.
But still same problem.
Do you use arduino studio? And which version?
Nope, I use the IDE, v 1.0.4.
December 26, 2015, 8:02pm
i gone try that one.
I have download Arduino IDE 1.6.7 and with that is works fine.
stranges but it works for me :-).
thanks a lot
I tried with Arduino Studio 0.0.5.
It fails to generate prototypes for functions that return boolean (or apparently anything that isn't a plain integer type).