Project: Battery powered LCD touch remote control


Im early in the taught process but the dog has eaten up all the remotes, so thinking of making my own. Not that I dont think the dog will not eat my own remote, but because it is fun to make stuff :wink:

Basically id like a battery powered remote that has atleast 3-4 weeks for juice. It should work to be able to controll all the units (samsung tv, apple tv, DVR)

To control the remote im thinking of two options. Bluetooth to connect our iphones/ipad (would be great if two iphones could be connected simulationiously - not neccessarily used at the same time, but just ready to be used)

Alternativly, and probably my preferred solution is a tft or oled touch screen. I will then probaby need a physical button to power on before use, as leaving it on will depletede any battery source too quickly. How soon do you think the arduino will be able to power up from sleep and display any actions on the display. Less than 1 sec?

Any thoughts anyone?

Wouldn't it be simpler and cheaper to get rid of the dog?

Hehe, you are right. But im afraid I would be the one out the door for even suggesting that :wink:

EPaper screens seems power efficient and thin, and can be touch sensitive. Any cons that I haven't thought of?

Do anyone have a 2.8-3.2" screen to recommend with good touch capabilities. Either e-paper or LCD screen.