Project feasability/guidance - 3 accelerometer datalogger w/ LCD. Thanks!

Hey guys,

Forgive my newbie-ness. I'm a software guy by trade who just is having a bit of fun with this stuff!

My project is basically just a data logger storing the output from 3 accelerometers.

I picked up a Arduino Mega, 3 ADXL-335 accelerometers, and a Ethernet shield.

I also had some fun playing with a SainSmart LCD keypad

I had all of them working individually. My question comes down to making them all work together. With the shields I am not sure what pins they are using and what are available. Can I stack the LCD on top of the Ethernet shield? Kind of afraid just to wire it all up before knowing if I'd hurt anything. Sorry like I said - total newbie!

So in short can I connect 3 Accels, SD card, and a LCD screen to 1 Mega and make them all coexist nicely?

If there is a better hardware combination then what I have please let me know.

Also - with the ADXL 335s I have been able to get them working using the circuit description in the supplied examples - VCC and GND connected to analog pins. Shouldn't I be able to connect them to the 3.3 and GND on the Arduino saving the analogs?

Tons of thanks in advance and again please excuse the ignorance!


Connecting them to the actual supply would work assuming all three draw less than 50ma from the 3.3v regulator
how fast do you need responses from the accelerometers? There isn't a way to get one controller to poll all three at exactly the same time while updating the display, thru the pauses of writing to the sd card
if that's not a problem its very well possible to loop through all those devices and have that setup work,
on one mega I had a serial bluetooth module, spi sd card, 2.8 touchscreen with parallel interface, serial comm to a 328p, spi nrf24l01 wireless, i2c to a rtc, 3 analog sensors, 3 ds18b20 onewire temperature sensors all working together quite well so I know its possible you just have to work out any delays or pauses that the libraries may have to help streamline things

Thanks for the reply!

This is a just for fun project so reading the Accels at exactly the same time is not precisely required - though it would be optimal. The plan is fast as possible reads and writes to the SD with the LCD/keypad as a menu system for starting/stopping/reporting - not for real time display.

Does beg the question - I am pretty sure I read somewhere that with a netduino allows multithreading. As a .NET software developer in my real life job this does have an appeal - even though it looks like there isn't a netduino with enough analog pins...

Anyone thinking having the LCD/keypad shield stacked on top of the Ethernet shield will cause issues?

Lcds are prone to noise causing garbled characters sometimes, but an ethernet shield shouldn't make much noise, maybe a motor shield would be a bad idea but you should be fine