Project feasibility: arduino car maintenance reminder

I'm thinking about the possibility of create a display which allows driver how many km remaining until the next oil change or any kind of car maintenance.
My intention is to make it simple to be installed and with no chance of damage something in the car regular functioning.
Is this project feasible? I have no idea how to make arduino measures this like car odometer does . I've found similar projects in bikes like this

How do you plan to determine the odometer reading?


Thanks for replying weedpharma. I was thinking it was possible through arduino, but I've found ELM327 OBD II wifi transceiver. Here's the link:

I believe using java or c it is possible to read obd II codes and get the actual value of odometer. Is that possible?

I have not played with these but if it gives the information out, you should be able to extract it.

My thoughts are that the project will be doing nothing for a very long time (10 - 15000km). Would it not be easier to check the service sticker occasionally?


My thoughts are that the project will be doing nothing for a very long time (10 - 15000km). Would it not be easier to check the service sticker occasionally?

I agree with you. Using stickers is good option,however it would be nicer to have an alert from smartphone. There's a lot of parts that need maintenance according to mileage. it's easy to forget one of them.

motor rpm and hours is more valuable than miles.

at least for the motor.

miles driven is more valuable than hours for the wheel bearings.

Most car services are at fixed time or distance. Our current car is 6 months or 15000 kms. There is nothing recommended between these points.

When the service time or distance arrives, there are lists of what is to be done.

I know that a service is due this month, it is not critical if it is last month or next month. A few weeks or kilometres is not going to cause any problems.

The service manual has a checklist so nothing should be missed. I take mine into the dealer so they do it all.

A sticker works for me.
