yes, i'm dealing with some OLD microprocessors here, but thats beside the fact.
i'd like to make a Converter from RS-232 (i have software that spits out addresses and data) to a 2 wire NEX SBI Microprocessor.
I'm fairly new to the interface world.... willing to read and learn, but not sure where to do this.
i've done VERY hobby coding for a couple years, only every once in a while. I've read up on C++, i've used the embedded Visual Basic in Excel to fair extents, so I think i could get the Loops and such, it's just the timing that kinda scares me.
how would you go about this? and where would you suggest I start?
My ultra smart friend has gifted me an Arduino MEGA board, I believe I can use that to do what I need to, and maybe even wire in a few more inputs beyond the interface, but the interface is the important bit right now.
Arduino as well as all the ATmega chips I know of can do both RS-232 and a hardware supported SPI/I2C/other similar but I dunno what is SBI!
It's very likely possible through 'bit-banging' which is turning pins on and off and yup, timing gets critical. If the SBI speed is not much different than RS232 then most of the time your chip can just loaf.
well the SBI fooled me as I2C originally, but the double start signal was wacking me out..... BUT now i've figured it out (with help from a HUGELY smart friend of mine, but sadly, he is very busy and can't do it all for me, nor do i want him to..... I'd like to learn how to do this)
Here after number 3, is an example of the SBI "bit banging"
and no, i don't speak Japanese, but google does well enough i guess.
I might just have to play with this "bit banging" and make it work....... but... alas, this is my first Arduino project and therefore, steep learning curve.
You really might want to run through a few of the example projects first. They teach things that if you don't know can be done or how then you will have a hard time shaping your own projects.