Project for a parallel robot

I want to create a parallel robot and want to ask several questions. I am using three Nema 23 stepper motor , three drv8825 motor drivers and Arduino mega. My questions are
1.What power supply I need (current and voltage) and how do I calculate it?
2. How does voltage and current affect the circuit? For example if its more or less than the needed

You need to post motor specs.
All we know about the motors is the mount size.

The Nema 23 operate with 2A and voltage of 3vDC. The drv8825 motor drivers have a 2.5 rating.

For three 12W stepper motors and DRV8825 drivers, use a 12-36V motor power supply capable of 50W, minimum. The higher the voltage, the more responsive the steppers.

Be sure to set the current limit correctly on the drivers.

Do the motor drivers consume current?


Pololu's recommended wiring:

Do they consume 2.5A or do they consume the A that the motors don't use?

The motor driver acts like a switch, connecting the motor windings to the motor power supply.

The motor driver circuitry itself "consumes" negligible current from the motor power supply (a few mA). That can be dramatically reduced by putting the driver in sleep mode.

All the details are in the DRV8825 data sheet.

Are you sure about that voltage? It is unusual for the voltage to be that low. It doesn't matter since you will adjust the driver for the right drive current and the voltage will follow. Just seems odd.

That voltage is merely the product of the rated winding current and the winding resistance, which is often reported but rarely, if ever useful.

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