I would like to get a special xmas present for my bf but I need a huge hand.
We just bought a new house and my bf is a software engineer and loves to tinker. Since he is very hard to buy for, I would like to buy for him some hardware in order for him to create an home automation/domotic project with our new house, because I know he would love to code and build
It wouldn't have to be a ready made project - the point would be to let him play with both the hardware and software side of it!
The project would be to make a "system" to switch some lights on and off, switch the air con on/off, turn some kitchen appliances on/off - stuff like this. Ideally it would be controlled by an app, that already exists or that he can make himself.
My questions are:
What hardware should I buy?
Is this feasible without intervening on existing plugs, walls, etc?
Any other suggestions for fancier things, perhaps?
If it's of any help, he's an Android user and a Linux enthusiast.
Sorry for the ignorance and many thanks to whoever will help this poor ignorant girl! :-))))
It all runs on the Raspberry Pi, connected to your home WiFi, I don't suggest configuring it to run over the internet but is possible. This opens up a port that hackers can gain access to your network. There is a way to minimize that. But that's a bit above my knowledge level.
My security cam is Wifi, so I can put it wherever as long as it's within wifi range. My other devices are connected to WiFi modules(ESP8266). There's many versions out there of those. My favorite is the Wemos D-1 Mini(v.3 and Pro versions). They are tiny and work great! I get them directly from Wemos.cc via AliExpress. Yes, they are from China but what isn't these days. So why buy them from the US or wherever with 400% markup?
Oh, Hey! Here's the updated video for installing home assistant on the raspberry pi.
The Pi kit is all he will need to get started with the home automation. Then He can "tinker" and build things.
Then he will have to play with the software side to add those "things" to the Home Assistant Web page that will reside on the Raspberry Pi. If he is a Linux enthusiast, it will be natural for him.
Good luck! I'm going to leave you alone and let others chime in with their ideas.
If he is new to the hardware side of things, I think that a cheap Uno and a starter kit might be the way to go. A small mistake in wiring can damage the card. Much easier (cheaper) to replace the Uno than a Pi. Once he is comfortable interfacing sensors and actuators with the Uno, then graduate to the Pi. I don't know which starter kit is "best", but look for one that comes with a book that teaches how to use the parts.
Probably a generic Arduino starter kit is best. Have a look, these kits will most likely list some example projects in their product description. You know him best!
Switching lights and especially home appliances is not trivial due to the high voltage and high currents involved. If your bf has no experience working with that kind of electrics, it's probably a bridge too far.
The "special lights" are usually part of a ready-made kit. Those come with controllers built in, and you get a remote with it, with which to control them. Not too much tinkering involved with those things, at that's the ones I have encountered. All designed to be as easy as possible to use. Arduinos are designed to be as easy as possible to tinker with, big difference