i want to make a WSN with 2 xbees and 1 arduino. i want to take measurements from a wireless spot[ with 2 sensons(1 tmp36 and 1 ultrasonic parallax) and 2 AA batteries] using my arduino that is connected to my pc.check out my equipment.how should i build my circuit? what code do i have to use?
nick8's image
Use examples to see how you need to work with the individual components; both connection-wise and code-wise.
Once you understand it all
decide on the wiring and solve conflicts that arise; e.g. your examples for the sensors might use the same pins or share pins with the xbee.
Take pieces of the code in the examples and place them in your code; do it one step at a time.
You can not run your Uno from 2 AA batteries without modifying it. The Uno runs on 16MHz and that frequency is out of range when you power the Uno with 3V.
i will run only the sensors from the batteries the arduiono will be powered from the pc
how would i transfer the 2 singnals into the arduino? what code do i have to use?i made the circuit i configured the 2 xbees but i dont know how to use my sensors now remotely.
Can you communicate between the two xbees? If so, please share the transmit code? Do you have links to the sensors; the distance sensor looks like a HC-SR04; I have no idea what a tmp16 is (tmp probably stands for temperature).