i am making project of "Advanced security system".
My focus is on to protect any kind of precious thing to be stolen.
This security device will especially used in museum.
so please suggest me ideas to increase security.
what kind of technology i can used to protect precious thing?
thank u......
security is never one system and especially in a museum it depends on what you want to protect.
- something big something small,
- may it be touched or not.
- daytime security or at night
- ...
so many questions are open.
Best advice: watch many movies how people circumvent a security system. That are the ways not to do it
I want to protect small thing like dimond which is placed for exibition .
I want no one can able to stolen this dimond.
So what type of seecurity definations I can impliment??
If you want to protect diamonds you need to hire a professional agency, they know what to do.
I want no one can able to stolen this dimond.
This is not a project for :-
- an arduino
- some one who has to ask how to do it.