Project ideas for a newbie

Hi! I have to do a project to finish my studies (electronic/informatic engineering... could be said) and I think I could start learning something about Arduino and do a project with it. I have 4 or 5 months (to start learning and to do my project). So, my question is: do you suggest me some projects? I don't know so much about Arduino so I don't know what I could do...

Also, I would like to do something related with library OpenCV? I could do an interaction between Arduino and PC to compute...

Thanks!!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

PD: I'll try to participate here when I'll buy my Arduino :wink:

As well,

You could also try making an morse code machine with three led's, it's very easy and but if you are looking for something harder try to make it a car and make it go to the brightest part of the room, although it's expensive it's cool.

Thanks everyone! I'm expecting my arduino and I will start learning, after that I would study what I can do. The morse code is interesting to learn :slight_smile: but working with a car XD XD XD

if you want the code for the LED's morse machine or the car, I can give it too you, but the car the code lines aren't still ready.

Watever you do definetly include a ton of leds, mainly cuz its really cool and to control and power many leds is a great learning expirience
depending on your budget, internet or wireless capability is cool
adding an sd is cheap and interesting, lcd screens or touchscreens make it look very legit
With 4-5 months tho you have plenty of time to do many cool things

something that you could do is a morse machine within the car, so you would write something like, go straight ahead then turn right and then just stop and start to display the morse code.

Thanks everyone again! I'll start next week, just to see how to work with Arduino. I'll have an old Arduino: Duemilanove, but it's fine to start learning :wink: