Project weeding December 2023

Hello All,
Sorry if the post is not in the correct section.
I'm newbies and the only things I know it's how to make led with arduino.

I have a project for my weeding, I would like to know if I can launch lantern like thailand festival with arduino.

I would like to create robot or articulated arm with motor ( need to make around 50 articulated arm for this project ) to get up the lantern above the flame and release it after time defined ( 30s or 1min I don't know I need test )

The flame will be on the ground, I will create many torche with little jar and alcool, I can turn on all the flame manually but I cannot release all the lantern by my self in the same.

I will be alone just me My wife and pastor for this private weeding and I would like to launch around 50 lantern.

Thx a lot for helping me.

  1. ce n’est pas un tuto. Ce n’est pas le bon endroit pour poser une demande.
  2. c’est rédigé dans une langue inconnue sur la zone francophone.

Relégué dans le bar en attendant que l’on comprenne la question.

Pour quelqu’un qui s’est inscrit il y a 2 ans et qui n’est donc pas un debutant, contrairement a ce qu’il dit, c’est quand même perturbant.

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You have a parallel.

Ici : Forum francophone, on s’exprime uniquement en langue française.

Si vous voulez vous exprimer en anglais allez dans les forum generaux.

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