Project with 5 buzzers

I people, may name is Jaime, i´m Portuguese and new in this community.

I need help to a project, can anyone help me to create a code for this:

I have 5 buttons
Button nº 1 makes the buzzer ring for 40 seconds
Button nº 2 makes the buzzer ring for 15 seconds
Button nº 3 makes the buzzer ring for 30 seconds
Button nº 4 makes the buzzer ring for 20 seconds
Button nº 5 turns off any ringtone if one is playing.

Please, i need your help

thank you so much.
I will try ;D

burkibo, how can i invert them, since this Arduino has internal pullup resistors?

I tested but not work.

Post code as code section please. </>

Can it be done like this?:

if (digitalRead (button1) == LOW)
   buzzer_on() ;
   delay (40) ;
   buzzer_off() ;
else if (digitalRead (button2) ......