Hello there, I need help with code for dmx512 SMD2835 Led that is individually addressable on Arduino uno. Here is the project - I want to have lights go in a flow up when turned on and go down when turned off, also I want to have an option where I can turn off some leds on the strip to make somewhat a picture. I don't have any skills to write a code, it will be paid work for anyone who have necessary skills for that. Also if it is impossible to do it on Arduino can you recommend me anything else that can make it possible?
Before you start code and draw up your contract you need an annotated schematic showing all components and links to technical information on each. At this point you need a CAD program such as KiCad to draw it which if free but they ask for a donation. It if a full blown CAD that will take you from schematic capture to the Gerber files needed for a PCB.
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