I have a project that needs an Arduino with a Stepper driver, MPU6050 and WIFI.
I have a Leonardo and an UNO that I could use
I have an A4988 stepper driver but can get some other type of stepper driver if needed
I have an ESP8266 WIFI but I can get something else if needed.
I have the MPU6950
Is there an arduino shield that will hold the ESP8266 WIFI, an MPU6050 and the A4988 stepper driver?
If not, what would be a good way to setup the arduino for the stepper, MPU6050 and wifi devices?
Also, if there is an Arduino that includes WIFI built-in, that might be a way to go.
A NodeMCU board may accommodate the MPU and stepper driver. Then you have WiFi and a powerful processor that can be programmed with the Arduino IDE without the need for another board.
The Beginner's guide to ESP8266 has information on how to install the ESP core and programming an ESP8266.
Thanks fungus, I will look into the NodeMCU. I have invested a lot of time in learning arduino and have several projects done and planned with arduinos. I would prefer not to take on a new hardware MPU configuration if I can help it.
If you plan on doing much with WiFi, learning to use the ESP8266 in a stand alone fashion will be an asset.