Project with ethernet module and soil moisture sensor

I want to send the measure of soil moisture to the android phone via internet with ethernet module.
However I don't have any information about this graduating project

Break the project down into its individual parts:

Write a program that prints the soil moisture reading to the Serial Monitor.

Write a program that sends a message over the network

Figure out how to make your phone display messages received over the network.

Once you have all of those things working correctly you can start putting them together into your final project. If you have some specific problems you haven't been able to find a solution for after you've spent some time working on it, come back to the forum and maybe we can help you.

you should be kidding I asked to arduino forum how to write a program


Sorry, I'm at fourth class of university. If I want to graduate from university, I have to do the project of graduation. This is the project to graduate from university. I'm under depression because of this reason
Forgive me ?


Sorry, Reason of my bad behavior is depression I have to deliver the project at the last week of May.


Do you have all the required parts? If you need to order anything then that is top priority. Since this is such an important project with such a short deadline I recommend buying at least two of everything in case a component is damaged in shipping or while you are developing your project.

After that there are many examples on how to read a soil moisture sensor online that will take only seconds for you to find on google. Getting that part working should be very fast and easy.

Then the network part, you will first need to decide how the readings are sent to the phone. There are many options for how to do this. One option would be to use the Arduino as a web server to display the reading on a webpage and then you just use the browser on your phone to load the webpage. You can find an example at File > Examples > Ethernet > WebServer that pretty much does exactly what you want to do already.

I deal with automatic plant watering system.

I already sent to the measure of soil moisture to the android phone with bluetooth module. However, Lecturer wants me to send to the measure of soil moisture to the android phone by Ethernet module(ENC28J60)

I chose ENC28J60 as ethernet module. Probably This is a mistake

I think ENC28J60 library doesn't work regularly and this gave me error

Only I need your help doing my project of graduation.

You can't use the standard Ethernet library with the ENC28J60. There are a couple of options:


The first has the same API as the Ethernet library so any example should work with it. I haven't worked with ethercard library.

I agree the ENC28J60 is harder to work with than the W5100. If you have time to get a W5100 or W5500 module I'd buy a couple of them in case the ENC28J60 is giving you trouble but I think you will be able to make the ENC28J60 work. Many people have created successful projects using ENC28J60, you just need to keep working at it. A nice thing about using the arduino_uip library is that you can get started working with the ENC28J60 and then later switch to the W5x00 with the same code. It's supposed to be a drop in replacement for the Ethernet library but you may encounter some small differences.