Project with many motor's

Hello everyone,

I'm making a new project but i'm not know where to start.

I want to use ethernet so i will need a ethernet shield. but that is not the hard part, the hard part is to control all the motors.
I need to control 4 dc motors from 24V, 4 stepmotors and 5 servo's.

So my question is what boards will i need for this project.

Sorry for my bad english..., and thanks for the help.


what boards will i need for this project.

So you want to buy stuff rather than make it?

no that is not nessesary, i can solder.


I need to control 4 dc motors from 24V, 4 stepmotors and 5 servo's.

You need extra output pins, so use a shift register to give you 8 outputs, this will give you enough to control your 4 DC motors. You will need a transistor to drive the 24V or a H-bridge if you want to control the direction as well.

For the servos I would use the servo library and direct output from the pins.

For the 4 stepping motors you need another 8 outputs probably fed into a Puloiu driver Pololu - A4983 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier

In place of a shift register you could use an MCP23S17 port expander, this will give you 16 outputs an being SPI is quite fast.

Thanks for your reply

for expanding the outputs can you also use this?

What product on that page? I can't see anything relevant.

the Mux Shield for expanding the outputs