I'm making a new project but i'm not know where to start.
I want to use ethernet so i will need a ethernet shield. but that is not the hard part, the hard part is to control all the motors.
I need to control 4 dc motors from 24V, 4 stepmotors and 5 servo's.
So my question is what boards will i need for this project.
Sorry for my bad english..., and thanks for the help.
I need to control 4 dc motors from 24V, 4 stepmotors and 5 servo's.
You need extra output pins, so use a shift register to give you 8 outputs, this will give you enough to control your 4 DC motors. You will need a transistor to drive the 24V or a H-bridge if you want to control the direction as well.
For the servos I would use the servo library and direct output from the pins.