
Can i make a wireless health monitoring system using an arduino which measures temperature, blood presuure and pulse?? if yes, how to go about??

Can i make a wireless health monitoring system using an arduino which measures temperature, blood presuure and pulse?

Yes you can, you don't need to ask our permission.


  1. Identify appropriate sensors
  2. Identify appropriate radio equipment
  3. Identify appropriate Arduino
  4. Write code or identify libraries for components
  5. Individually test code and sensors.
  6. Individually test code and radio.
  7. Integrate
    n) Rinse and repeat,
    n+1) Enjoy adulation of your peers.

Loved your answer but...

how can I "Identify appropriate Arduino"? just by if it has what I need in terms of connections? or do I need to keep an eye out for anything else?

Well, when you've identified your sensors, you'll know how many and what sort of interfaces you'll need.
That allows you to match to a board.
Or, it'll allow you to refine/redefine your choice of sensors, and iterate again.