Iv'e been thinking - are there any cool projects that can be done on arduino without external components ?
I think doing something with the USB connection might be viable but I think that demands programming for windows and not for the arduino.
In order to be cool, you need sensors to provide feedback. With feedback, it can interact with you or the surroundings and this increases the coolness of the project.
If not, it will just sit there and does something with its LED.
In order to be cool, you need sensors to provide feedback. With feedback, it can interact with you or the surroundings and this increases the coolness of the project.
If not, it will just sit there and does something with its LED.
Doesn't the processor have a (fairly inaccurate) internal temperature sensor?
Doesn't the processor have a (fairly inaccurate) internal temperature sensor?
Yes it does it is in the multiplexer on the A/D converter but you can't get at it with the analogRead function you have to address the hardware directly.
I can blink 2 different led's. the one on pin 13, and the one for serial output.
It's a lot more fun to get some components, like light sensors, buzzers, switches. But It's good to be able to see that led on pin 13 blink to let you know that the program is running.