I'm looking to use x5 JSN-SR04 in a linear array to see if I can use phase shifters and time delays to "beam steer and focus" as you can do with SONAR and RADAR. Do I need x5 Arduino or can it be done all from the same controller?
I'm an ex-aircraft radar tech and looking to build this for a STEM project with my Air Cadet unit. Just trying to figure out if it's possible/feasible or whether it's a complete non-starter. I'm happy with all the maths but just need to know if this is a sensible way forward.
The JSN_SR04 has its own microprocessor, which when triggered, generates a signal pulse, waits for the return echo, then informs the host processor.
I doubt it is useful to make a phased array, because you don't have control over the exact timing or phase of the generated signal.
The transducers are fine, though, and could be removed from the board. Or, just remove the processor from the board, and provide the driving signal yourself. This is a great resource: HC-SR04 | David Pilling
Thanks for that info about the signal control. Looks like I'd need an additional controller to then fire the JSN. A controller of the controller, if you will. So the best I could hope for would be time delays on the firing to give a "beam focussing" effect. Firing the outer pair at the same time, then the next inside pair and finally centre would create a concave "lens" type of effect.
Maybe firing in single sequence from left to right ( or right to left) with time delays could have the same "effect" of steering. Would need to look at the maths behind that and map out the constructive/destructive patterns. Hmmm...