Prototype for a patent

good evening everyone, I have a question. I also own arduino .. but my knowledge and skills are not that far with electronics and arduino. I'm looking for someone who might want to help me .. I managed to get a Dutch patent. but would also like to bring it on the market of course. But I will briefly say what it is for. I have devised an update for battery tools, and I am sure that it will come of it someday .. but if anyone is interested to help me.I would really appreciate it.and I'm not the worst.I'm quite willing to give a percentage.if it becomes a success. greetings robert van der vegte

What kind of help do you need? Programming, fabrication of hardware, PC board and/or circuit design, etc.

Describe your product.

Describe what you expect a helper or helpers to do.

When you disclose details be sure you have a NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) in place especially covering what is unique in your design. Publishing it can make it not patentable.

When I got my patents from the 60's forward, US, EU, World and others you need to be careful. I used professional patent lawyers to do all the paperwork etc. At that time it was first to invent in the US and the first to file in most other countries. We kept logs of the discovery and other pertinent information to validate invention date. This log was signed of every week by the manager (this varied with companies). When a patent is granted it is also published in several journals in the US and other countries. Publishing it will not invalidate it, it will be published in its entirety probably before you are notified. Patents also have things called rights and you can own the patent, it will always be in the name of the inventor on the application but the rights can be assigned to another entity. You have to have it written is such a way that if one of the claims in not valid or invalidated the rest remain good.

Please explain how publishing details of a design makes something not patentable.

If you want to patent something it has to be novel and not described in the public domain anywhere in the world by anyone. If you give your idea to someone then you have disclosed it and this renders the idea non-patentable as it is in the public domain. So if you must tell someone about it, for example to get their help in making a model, you must ensure that you have an NDA in place with them.

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I don't think that applies after the patent has been granted.

A single country patent does not stop someone from making a slight modification and getting a patent in another country.

Even a US patent won't protect you from someone patenting a non-obvious modification.

Does a preceding foreign patent not count as "prior art" when applying for a US patent?

The reality is a patent protects your design from NOTHING. You still have to defend it in court. A patent gives you a legal basis to claim you invented it first, or actually patented it first.


Indeed so.

Unfortunatly if someone breaks your 'patent' you need to have the time and money to defend it.

Much the same with copyright and trademarks.

I am look for someone,who can make the hardware,and programming.and someone who can make a app to.the patent that i got is only for the netherlands.the person from the patent company,said to me that i must go for a international patent..butt dont have the money for that..but when i have a prototype,it is maybe better to find investors.

Consider a Kickstarter on-line campaign. If people support it, that indicates some level of interest.

Patent attorneys/agents just love money (yours!)

Think carefully before moving forward, you must assign a 'worth' to your invention and be prepared to defend your ownership. You need to consider how you would finance a small war for your rights: what amount will you pay an attorney to file suit and manage the potentially lengthy fight? Any seed money from investors are bound by investment contracts that generally prohibit use of the funds for legal rights lawsuits; said another way, investors generally do not want to fight a patent war before investing in product production, marketing, and sales. Running afoul of investors is not a healthy position.

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