I'm done with my prototype, what's next if I want to get my circuit and an enclosure in "small" quantity (~200 units)
I have 2 prototypes.. one that requires a microcontroller (Arduino in this case) and I'd like to get it built to resell it.
Should I get a less expensive microcontroller and program it myself? And get a board done to put that controller on it?
I'd like to have everything done for me, I don't want to assemble all the parts of the circuit (except connecting the controller in a holder on the board after putting the code in it) the second circuit needs no controller, it's just a led light but needs a special shape (imagine a triangle with a hole in the center) it's not exactly a square board.
Also, I'd like to get enclosures for these circuits. First one with the microcontroller is simple as there is some holes needed for leds, potentiometer, I/O but it is a square/rectangne enclosure. The second circuit needs a special shape and because there will be leds in there it needs a "cover" that is transparent/frosted
anyone have an idea what are my next steps.
In a "small" quantity like ~200 units, should I look for a china manufacturer or should I look locally (us/canada) ? Is there alternatives like mexico, india, etc.. ?
Should I try to get everything made at the same place (circuit/enclosure) or should I get them made in different locations?