Hey I am new to arduino programming.I wanted to interface ps2 with arduino to drive my servo and brushless motor.Can anyone please give me some idea about interfacing ps2 :~
mmm yo can give uss more detail about your project? xD
what do you whant your ps2 joystick interfase directly to arduino or the joystick conected to the PC and then the arduino cenected to the same pc?
or the ps2 joystick conected to the pc, and the pc via wireless (bluetooth, wifi, something wireless) to the arduino?
i do the last xD and work fine i try to put here the video but no ide how to paste a video from my facebook account
Do you mean PS2 as in the Sony Playstation 2, or do you mean PS/2 as in the IBM Personal System/2 interface specification used for keyboards and mice?
Either way, have you thought about maybe asking Google first?
i think he is talking about PS2 (sony playstation 2 Joystick)
ya...... I was talking about sony playstation....I am making hovercraft which consist of one servo motor and two brushless motor. I need to install this system on one platform and need to control this system wirelessly using ps2.I am having problem in understanding how to control this three motor using ps2. I first tried interfacing servo with ps2....but no success.