Hello !
I would like make one project with PS2 mouse and arduino.
My problem is i dont got X and Y cordinate from mouse, but the buttons is working fine.
I have Arduino Uno R3 and Genius DX-110 mouse.
My serrial output is when all buttons pushed:
1111 X=0 Y=0
1111 X=0 Y=0
1111 X=0 Y=0
1111 X=0 Y=0
1111 X=0 Y=0
1111 X=0 Y=0
and dont pushed :
1000 X=0 Y=0
1000 X=0 Y=0
1000 X=0 Y=0
1000 X=0 Y=0
i attacked my all files, if you can help me i will very happy.
Thank you.
ps2mouse1.ino (3.82 KB)
ps2.h (459 Bytes)
ps2mouse1.ino (3.82 KB)
ps2.h (459 Bytes)