I am trying to use the PS2X library for my ps2 controller, but when I try to upload the script that is shown in the library (PS2X_Example.ino) it says : " /tmp/2875585693/new_sketch_1718658206974/new_sketch_1718658206974.ino:1:10: fatal error: PS2X_lib.h: No such file or directory
#include <PS2X_lib.h> //for v1.6
compilation terminated. "
Does anyone know why? (example code: github.com/PS2X_Example
This might sound stupid but did you install the library? If yes, how?
I don't think that your problem is IDE specific and therefore have moved it to a more suitable location on the forum.
That is probably the problem, I downloaded the library into my computer from the creators website: billporter.ps2x but when I upload it to the library in the arduino IDE, it says it does not contain library.properties file.
Hi @kyle_3_1415.
Are you certain you are using Arduino IDE? I ask because that message seems like it instead comes from Arduino Cloud Editor.
It is important for us to know which of these tools you are using so that we can provide you with the correct instructions for installing the library.
Sorry, I was in the cloud, not the IDE.
Edit: I found a way that can download the library, but I need to make and write a library.properties file. I made a file of that type and it excepted it, but I need help writing its contents.
Thanks for the clarification.
Nice work! The exact contents of the file are not super important as long as it is accepted by Cloud Editor. It sounds like whatever you wrote was accepted so I think everything is fine as is.
If you experience any unexpected problems using the library, we can check to see if they might be caused by something in the library.properties
file. But for now I think the best thing is for you to get back to progressing on your project Arduino project.