Hi, im new to arduino and am using it for a uni project. I want to be able to use a PS4 controller to control my model tank but I am wanting around 50-100m of range. Is there a way to do this without using Bluetooth or will the bluetooth be able to reach that far? I have a second ardunio and also thinking i could have a wired connection between the ps4 controller to the first ardunio and use nrf24l01 transceivers between the arduinos.
That's a stretch for Bluetooth. LoRa might be the thing. I have an RC tank that uses an x-box controller and a couple of LoRa radios and I can control it for more than 500m.
What type of LoRa equipment it available to you depends on where you live in the world. DIfferent countries allow different frequencies. Here in the US we use 915MHz although there are areas here where that's not allowed.
Of course you can always do like I did and get an amateur radio license. Then you can do a LOT more with radio. In that case you're allowed about 40 times as much power for radio control and a lot more frequency options. When I crank it up like that I can talk to my tank for more like 2000m. Maybe more if I could find a spot where I could get line of sight.
Thanks, i live in Australia so i will have to have a look about what available for me.
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