PSOne LCD drivers?

Has anyone tried connecting and driving a PSOne LCD? I have one laying around and figured I'd try to get it to work with my Arduino.

Does anyone know where I should start?


The LCD basically needs an LCD driver, these are built into the processing chips of the PSone and are not built into the Arduino's processor. Therefore you can't use it with this system.
Sorry :frowning:

But can't you use the processing chips on the LCD's driver somehow (e.g. send it signals, etc)? I hate hearing it can't be done. :slight_smile:

Does your LCD have the driver pcb ? ( see:
If so, you can drive it with a composite video signal. There is a discussion for doing this with the arduino in this thread:

There is an older thread here:

And here:

But if its just the naked LCD without the driver PCB I would agree with mike's advice.

Mine has the driver PCB, yes.

Then check out the links I posted above.

have fun!

and let us know how you get on.

Yes were back to "generating a composite video signal with an Arduino" sort of thing. Yes you can just about do it but only to produce blocks and lines not the pixel based graphics I think Shizman is expecting.
Your better off with some hardware help, look at this thread:-

Thanks Mike, I'll check it out.

Thanks to all for your help!