PSX26 - Omega Differential Pressure Sensor - In consistent readings at 0 psi


I recently got a differential pressure sensor from Omega, the PX26100DV. I wanted to attach it to my Arduino UNO the link for this sensor is here:

I followed the guide from: to make the differential amplifier, they used a different pressure sensor but I believe it was similar in electric properties so I followed the guide.

This is the code I am using to calibrate, read, and post my differential pressure values:

//Pressure Variables//
const int diffPressurePin=A1;
float diffPressure=0;
const int pressureInPin=A3;
float pressureIn=0;
const int pressureOutPin=A4;
float pressureOut=0;
#define analogminDiff 209
#define analogmaxDiff 1023
#define analogminIn 169
#define analogmaxIn 1023
#define analogminOut 169
#define analogmaxOut 1023

void setup() {

void loop(){
  int diffreading = constrain (analogRead(diffPressurePin),analogminDiff, analogmaxDiff);
  Serial.print("Analog DiffPressure: "); Serial.println(diffreading);
  float diffVolt = map (diffreading, analogminDiff, analogmaxDiff, 1, 3); // Might need to change to 5 
  Serial.print("Volt Diff: "); Serial.println(diffVolt);
  if (diffVolt < 1.0167) {diffPressure = 0;}
      if (1.0167 <= diffVolt && diffVolt <= 1.05) {diffPressure= map(diffVolt, 1.0167, 1.05, 1,5);}
         if (1.05 < diffVolt && diffVolt <= 3) {diffPressure = map(diffVolt, 1.05, 3, 5.001, 100);}

The calibrating (where I define my analog max and min) is suggested from the second link that I posted. but the conversion from diffVolt to diffPressure, is my doing based off the datasheet of the first link I posted.

So first, diffVolt is always staying at 1 , even when diffreading does not equal analogminDiff (I had it at 563 and diffVolt still at 1). Secondly, I believe I might have done my conversions from diffVolt to diffPressure completely wrong, but from the data sheet they seemed to be right. Thirdand final issue is the sensor at first wouldn't even have water go through it, I had to get a tiny copper wire to go through to see if there was an opening and turns out a small plastic piece was covering the other end; so now water runs fine but I don't know if I busted the sensor.

I've tried exhausting the resources available to me for the past two days but to no avail. Please if anyone has any insight or guidance I would really appreciate it. I've posted pictures of the differential amplifier and sensor configuration.

Just an update, I have solved my first issue !

It turns out that maps is not configured to work with floats, but some forum users told how to tackle this and I believe this will take care of it; I will test tomorrow with my sensor tomorrow to confirm :smiley:

  • UST

Sensor was improperly calibrated, I calibrated the sensor under the correct conditions and it works fine now.

I'm working with the same pressure sensor, What exactly do you mean by calibrating here??
