January 24, 2014, 8:42am
Hi guys,
Please help me in interfacing PT100. I am tossed by google and got many things at same time on my plate.
I am trying to interface it with arduino.
i have PT100 three wire.
If any information is not mentioned above then please ask me to mention so i can help you guys to help me.
January 24, 2014, 10:50am
The openenergymonitor has good information:
They use an OpAmp, which is mostly used with a PT100. Do you want to use the PT100 without OpAmp ?
What kind of accuracy would you want ?
This is a calculator for the PT100:
For serious temperature measurments, you need an OpAmp. If you want something very accurate without OpAmp use a DS18B20.
January 24, 2014, 2:26pm
I even don't know op amp can calibrate the readings or sensor values.
Its just, plan is to get good temperature sensor.
And yes i want to measure temperature accurately.
Any link, space where this whole stuff is already documented, please let me know.
Datasheet shows 2,3,4 wire connections.
Search the Forum for max31865, I posted some code from Atmel quite recently for this chip. It's a 3.3V chip, so 5V/3.3V signal level translation is needed.
January 25, 2014, 8:25am
thank you for your reply.
created this lib recently - MAX31855 library - Libraries - Arduino Forum -
just fixed a bug with negative values...