publishing an Arduino library

We are nearly ready to publish the first version of an open source (LGPL licenced) Arduino library which implements this SIMPL protocol ( I bounced around the Arduino site but I couldn't put my hands on any documentation which described how best to package third party Arduino libraries.

If such documentation exists could someone point me to it?

If it doesn't exist could someone give me a short description of best practices?

One thought we have is to manage, package and distribute this library as part of the SIMPL project tree ( much like we currently do for the Python, JAVA, Tcl/Tk and PHP SIMPL sublibraries. Unlike these other SIMPL sublibraries there would be no dependancies on the SIMPL core libraries for the Arduino library. However, most users of this new library would probably also want to install the SIMPL toolkit. To "mount" the installed Arduino library into Arduino space we were thinking that a symbolic link would work (on Linux).

Would this be a good approach?

Thanks in advance for your advice and comments.
