Pull up resistor for Reset pin, arduino Mini Atmega 328

I just want to point this thing out if there is anyone else with the same problem.

My board: Arduino Mini with Atmega 328 processor. But the problem might occur with other boards also.

If you connect RESET PIN directly to Vcc, without any Pull up resistor it might make it impossible for you to download the software to the processor.
It seems like the USB FTDI breakout board is not able to pull down the voltage at reset pin to sync the processor to the computer.

Maybe a pullup or pulldown alwars should be used(?!), but the information is quite blurry, and you can readn in the tutorial, for the arduino mini, how to get started, that you should connect to Vcc.

I did it, and my voltage regulator (external 12V -> 5V, 2A) got REALLY hot when trying to download the software. I connected a pull up resistor, to the reset, and everything is now OK.

Between the usb/FTDI i got a capacitor 100nF connected to RESET.

Maybe this might help someone :smiley:

Where are you seeing that Reset gets connected to Vcc directly?

That does not agree with Atmel's application note for connecting Reset.

AtmelAVR042 AVR Design Considerations.pdf (236 KB)

Is this what you refer to?
"Reset. Whenever this pin is connected to ground, the Arduino Mini resets. You can wire it to a pushbutton, or connect it to +5V to prevent the Arduino Mini from resetting (except when it loses power). If you leave the reset pin unconnected, the Arduino Mini will reset randomly. "

If so, I believe you misinterpreted that - that clearly says power loss is needed for a Reset if it is wired to +5.
The schematics show a 10K pullup to +5 already installed.
Adding a 100nF cap then lets it function like other Arduinos. http://arduino.cc/en/uploads/Main/arduino_mini_schematic05.pdf

Yes thats what I refer to.

I cant see any pull up resistor on that page?!
I thought that the to reset pin where not the same. the one near Tx Rx, was meant only for downloading software, and that there where an internal resistor between those pins.

Okay, my fault. but I still think that mentioning a pull up resistor on that page about arduino might be a good thing. :smiley:


Anyway, this
"If you leave the reset pin unconnected, the Arduino Mini will reset randomly."
and this
"The 0.1uF capacitor from the reset pin is connected to the RTS pin on the mini USB adaptor. This enables auto-reset when the serial port is opened, meaning you don't have to press the reset button every time you upload new code. If it gives you problems, you can remove it, and press reset every time."

don't necessarily jive with each other. Likely a case of hit & miss updates on the arduino page.

the reason it would not upload is because the arduino ide automatically resets the board right before uploading the sketch. shorting the reset pin to 5v will create a short circuit when it is internally pulled to ground by the auto reset.