Pulse LED

Hi all,

I've been playing around with a sparkfun big dome button to trigger a photo booth and wondered if its possible to have the LED in the button pulse if it hasn't been pressed in a certain amount of time? I'm trying to use it as a way of enticing people to press it!!

I've seen someone recreate the mac 'sleep' led but don't think that's quite right for what i'm trying to do.


wondered if its possible to have the LED in the button pulse if it hasn't been pressed in a certain amount of time?

Yes sure you can do that.

Thanks Mike.

I've got the code to trigger the button but what do I need to have it wait for a push and if not activate the pulse. I presume I should put in a time delay and an if command?

but what do I need to have it wait for a push

enter a while loop whose exit is when the button is pressed or the millis() timer exceeds a certain value.