Push button once after delay no loop

I have a digispark attiny85 that I'm trying to have input a keystroke once when a computer is turned on and not loop. Is this something that is possible? All I've been able to find is starting the code with "void loop()" and setting a timer on it.

Is it possible to set another parameter to hit keystrokes once after a delay and it will do the same thing after a reboot or is looping keystrokes the only option?



You can design and code a function to do this job.

What would I need to change in my code to only do it once and not on a loop?

void setup() {


void loop() {


try this

void setup() 
//  DigiKeyboard.delay(60000);

void loop()
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This works, but the pc I'm using doesn't drop power to USB like some on reboot sadly.

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