Push iOS notifications to a crystal display

Hi Folks,

I'm hoping to make a little notification viewer using a crystal display to read text messages from an iPhone via bluetooth. Ideally most of this could be done on the arduino side of things and not make an app etc as I have no knowledge about any of that. Does anyone have any experience pushing notifications from a phone to an arduino? I've been looking around online but still don't really know where to start. Thanks!

Without doing an app thats going to be dificult.
And connecting your ios to a non apple bluetooth even more.
Id use wifi instead of bluetooth, but looks like the job for an app.
What kind of notifications anyway?

connecting your ios to a non apple bluetooth even more.

Things changed in the last couple of years:

Ideally just to get text messages on the display.. I have found this but I'm not sure if it's this easy? GitHub - robotastic/ANCS-Library: Library to handle ANCS notifications with an AVR and Nordic's nrf8001 -->code
Create Your Own iOS Notifications Viewer with an Arduino --->project