Hey everyone - I have the feeling I'm turning in circles.
Could someone please lead me the right way? (Please no localhost stuff...)
Right now I have the following Setup:
Arduino connects to the Internet with GSM shield
'Browses' the a Website - while executing a PHP script which updates a mySQL Database with new values. (f.ex. every 5 minutes)
Unfortunately this process is quite slow and has proven to be a bit unreliable.
What I would love to have:
Arduino connects to the Internet with GSM shield
Connects to a Server (whatever kind it may be) - and wait's for 'wakeup' by server - or any direct input (button).
So let's say I want an LED to turn on caused by an update on Server and or a pressed button.
I heard WebSockets is an option? What do I need to set something like this up?
Your advice is highly appreciated.
Let me tell you my setup :
Arduino mega
Ethernet shield
Ubuntu server
One windows pc
arduino conected to the router
linux server to the router
pc to the route
I have managed to do the following:
Turn on off a led by pushing a button on a web page served by linux on the pc.
The flow of data is : pc send´s message to linux using websocket connection. Linux web-socket script on php send´s data to mosquitto broker installed on linux. Mosquitto send´s data to arduino. Arduino receives data and turn on off then replay back to the mosquitto broker on linux.
This can be easy to do.
My actual problem is now to retriv the respons and pass that response back to the webpage (clients). this can be done only using something like python, node.js etc.
you're setup is let´s a little more tricky but i thing it can be done.