From what I'm hearing, you should just be using the Arduino Serial Monitor application.
There are reasons one might not want to do that. For example I use a tiling window manager on Debian and I just run a single command to bring up a PuTTY terminal already configured to connect to an Arduino-like board (using an alias in .bashrc), and the terminal comes up in just the part of the screen that I want it.*
In the left window of PuTTY highlight 'Terminal' and check the 'Implicit CR in every LF' box. That's all I remember doing to make it work.
I suspect this is correct for Windows. If you're on Linux these settings work:
-The default serial speed (9600), data bits (8), stop bits (1), parity (NONE) and flow control (XON/XOFF) are good, so no need to go to the settings under Connection > Serial.
-Naturally we’ll connect to device /dev/ttyUSB0 (or whatever) instead of ttyS0.
-Under the “Terminal” settings, we can optionally set “Local echo” to “Force on” to see the characters we send.
-Also under “Terminal” settings, keeping “Local line editing” set to “Auto” should be OK, but if in doubt we can set to “Force off”. Having this on screws up this way of doing it.
-Under “Terminal” > “Keyboard” settings, set “The function keys and keypad” to either “Linux” or “Xterm R6”.
To send a string, type what you want to send, then instead of pressing the Enter key, press Ctrl+J. Ctrl+J is PuTTY’s shortcut for Line Feed, which in combination with the other settings above has the effect of replacing the Enter key for sending strings. I have not found that having PuTTY automatically add the LF works. If someone has figured out how to make this work with the normal Enter key instead of Ctrl+J I would like to know.
So that all works. But...
To make life easier, enter all those settings and then under "Session" highlight "Default Settings" under "Load, save, or delete a stored session" and then click Save. Or save it as a new name.
To make life easier still, now bypass the PuTTY Configuration GUI altogether by running $putty -serial /dev/ttyUSB0 -sercfg 9600
to start the serial terminal directly.
To make life EVEN easier, add something like alias puttyarduino='putty -serial /dev/ttyUSB0 -sercfg 9600'
to your .bashrc file, logout and login, and forever and always bring up the PuTTY terminal with $ puttyarduino
*Most importantly I don't have to have the Arduino IDE break the connection first because I use an in-system programmer (the ~$25 AVR-ISP-MK2). I feel most Arduino people don't use an ISP because they just don't know about it. It makes life easier in a couple ways. Plug it into the heretofore unused ICSP port on your board and flash the program from the Arduino IDE using Ctrl+Shirt+U without first having to pick the USB port (or dev assignment) and without having to break your debugging serial connection.