PV integrated vertical axis wind turbines

Hello, I’m looking for the appropriate software, sensor wiring system, as well as wifi set up for a hybrid wind turbine and solar PV system. PV panels will mounted on the rotor blades and then send charge to a hybrid controller I want to monitor motor volt and current output, as well as PV current and output, but also integrate that data with wind speed and wind direction, and lumens from a weather station that could be parallel connected. Can anyone please offer ay advice on how to go about doing this?
I’m an absolute beginner with Arduino systems, so please excuse my slowness, but i am very keen to learn!
Thanks very much.

Start at https://openenergymonitor.org

All the charge controllers are things you buy and not make.

It’s an ambitious project , worth getting to grips with an Arduino first to see if such a task is within your grasp and help you identify how to go about it .

Rotating solar panels ??

Welcome to the forum.

Why mount the PV on the blades, they will never be at the optimum angle to the sun?
How big is the windturbine, power, voltage and rotor size(diameter)?
How do you aim to get the PV current from the rotor blades to your batteries.
What motor, do you mean alternator/generator?

Can you please tell us what electrical, electronic and hardware experience do you have.

A block diagram of what you aim to do would help.

Thanks.. Tom.. :grinning: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

Light* -dark-light-dark ....

  • with angle optimised for the North Pole
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Thanks. Yes, small steps.

Thanks Tom,

project is in australia, so the abundant sun can offset the lesser gains from a less than optimal angle**.

specs: 500mm diameter tip-to-tip of VAWT rotor blades, 80W is expected, 12V/24V**
other stuff: lip ring bearing. 14V windscreen wiper motor, with bridge rectifier. not sure how well it will volt, yet. I'm on the hunt for a second hand motorcycle alternator.**

very limited electrical, electronic and hardware experience. basic wiring experience, but keen to learn.

Working on block diagram, and hoping to show it, shortly. appreciate people's responsiveness

A stationary PV set is easier to connect up
And can be mounted at the correct angle - it’s not about sunshine , you have to get the angles right and vertical is about as far off as you can get , probably get less than 50% output

If it was feasible, then why are PV-Wind Turbines configured like these?

Abundant sun down here does not come into it.

Your PV's will not be in sun 100% of the time as it rotates.
In fact the only time that you would be getting some reasonable energy output would be for 1/3 of each rotation.
So there is 66% less energy than a properly aligned PV full time exposed array.

What sort of vertical turbine are you going to use?
Have you got a PV to measure the output for the angles of the turbine as it rotates?

Tom.... :grinning: :+1: :coffee: :australia:
PS. To put it colloquially "How much bang for your buck" are you going to get?

very helpful comments. especially re: angle of sun not optimal, various blade designs, and this has spawned some ideas i want to test out. for now:
I’ve got access to the Arduino starter kit (KT-0001) as well as the sensor kit (KT-0012) and would like to have a start at :
a) Understanding how to wire a voltage and current sensor for a series of second-hand 12V/24V motors that I’m looking to trial as generator test pieces on a wind-turbine I’m almost ready to start testing. Is there a source, or a course here that I can look to for advice on how to construct a circuit and hardwiring for this?
b) I’m also looking at how best to write code for logging voltage and current from these motors. Can anyone point me to a course or similar projects to learn about this?

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