HI, I am an IE and I have this project where I would like to control the speed of a 12v DC (fan) motor from a Nano pin 5.
I control it with PWM from pin 5 and via a FET on the negative site of the DC fan, I have the code for controlling the speed working but my problem is that the fan is very noisy at all levels so I tried to raise the frequency of the PWM on timer 0 by changing the prescalar and the noise disappeared (from 980 Hz. to 7812,50 Hz. with this code:
TCCR0B = TCCR0B & B11111000 | B00000010; // for PWM frequency of 7812.50 Hz
The problem with this is that pin 5 is HW connected to timer 0 and all other timers and timing are affected by this so this is not the solution for me.
I can't change the HW in the project so I need pin 5 for this, a solution could be to put in a Pro Mini as a frequency converter but if there were a SW solution for this, I would prefer this, any of you adults in here have any good suggestions it would be appreciated hence I am a rookie programmer.
No all pins are in use and the HW is made, the original idea was to use a PWM controlled fans but hence I had a bunch of ordinary DC fans I chose to use them.
If your hardware is fixed then you'll have to resort to using another timer (either 1 or 2) to generate the 7812.50Hz timing, and interrupts to bit bang the digital pin D5 output:
// Set up timer 2 to output 7812.50Hz, 8-bit resolution PWM and bit bang the output on digital pin D5
void setup() {
pinMode(5, OUTPUT); // Set digital pin D5 to an output
TCCR2A = _BV(WGM21) | _BV(WGM20); // Enable fast PWM output with duty-cycle controlled by OCR2A
TIMSK2 = _BV(OCIE2A) | _BV(TOIE2); // Enable timer 2 match compare channel A and overflow interrupts
OCR2A = 128; // Set the duty-cycle to 50%
TCCR2B = _BV(CS21); // Kick-off timer 2 with the prescaler set to 8
void loop() {} // Loop function
ISR(TIMER2_COMPA_vect) // The timer 2 compare A (COMPA) interrupt service routine
PORTD &= ~_BV(PORTD5); // Clear the output on D5
ISR(TIMER2_OVF_vect) // The timer 2 overflow (OVF) interrupt service routine
PORTD |= _BV(PORTD5); // Set the output on D5
Is this is a 2-pin or 3-pin computer fan.
If so, then you should use a PWM frequency below our hearing range.
30Hz is commonly used for a 2-pin or 3-pin PC fan.
4-pin fans don't need additional electronics.
They should be controlled directly, with ~25kHz PWM.
Hi MartinL
Both timer 1 and 2 are dedicated to other tasks, is it possible to make an interrupt on timer 0 dp5 so the fan control on pin 5 lives it own life with a dedicated freq ?