PWM and MOSFET successfully control LED but not electromagnet strength?

I'm trying control the strength of an electromagnet using an Arduino. I've included my circuit and code below.

I'm still going to add a diode to protect the MOSFET but the current circuit set-up and code seem to be working. But now there's something odd happening with the circuit that I don't understand. I'm writing the value of the PWM connected to the MOSFET using the input from the potentiometer, and it seems to be mapping correctly because when I connect an LED to the drain of the MOSFET and turn the potentiometer, the brightness changes. I even tried to just write 0 in my analogWrite and the LED turned off. But when I connect the electromagnet, it seems to always be "on" at full strength even if the PWM value being written is 0.

I tried using a 2.2kohm resistor because I figured maybe it's because I'm driving too much voltage, but that just made the electromagnet really weak while still constantly on all the time.

How can I properly control the strength of the electromagnet?

This is the electromagnet I'm using.
This (TO-220) is the MOSFET I'm using.

#define NOFIELD 503L   

const int POT_INPUT_PIN = A0;
const int HALL_PIN = A1;
const int OUTPUT_PIN = 3;
const int OUTPUT_PIN_LED = 9;
int prev_hall=0;
int prev_pot=0;

void setup() {
  pinMode(HALL_PIN, INPUT);

void loop() {
    /*Reading analog input from potentiometer and mapping to pwm pin that supplies power to electromagnet*/
    int POT_raw = analogRead(POT_INPUT_PIN); 
    int POT_pwm = map(POT_raw, 0, MAX_ANALOG_INPUT_VAL, 0, 255);
    /*Mapping value for p5js*/
    int POT_p5js = map(POT_raw, 0, MAX_ANALOG_INPUT_VAL, 1, 128); 
    /*Mapping value for and p5js */
    analogWrite(OUTPUT_PIN, POT_pwm);
    analogWrite(OUTPUT_PIN_LED, POT_pwm);
    /*Reading Hall effect sensor*/
    int HALL_raw = analogRead(HALL_PIN);  //Reading hall effect sensor

    /*Mapping value for p5js*/
    int magnet_p5js = map(HALL_raw, NOFIELD, MAX_ANALOG_INPUT_VAL, 129, 255);

    /*Making some calculations to clear background magnetic field noise. Only sending signal if magnetic field changes since it's too sensitive */
    if(HALL_raw < NOFIELD) { 
      HALL_raw = NOFIELD + (NOFIELD - HALL_raw);
     if(abs(HALL_raw - NOFIELD)<15){
      HALL_raw = NOFIELD;
      int diff_hall = HALL_raw - prev_hall;
      int diff_pot = POT_raw - prev_pot;
       // Serial.write(magnet_p5js);
       // Serial.write(POT_p5js);
     prev_hall = HALL_raw; 
     prev_pot = POT_raw; 

There are several issues here.

  1. Electromagnets can have remnant magnetism, in which case after powering down they are still magnetized.
    This must be the case here as you have used analogWrite (..., 0).

  2. You are switching an inductor using slow-decay mode, meaning the current will be a very non-linear
    function of PWM duty cycle. The current increases rapidly when the MOSFET is on, but decays very slowly
    when its off due to the low forward voltage of the free-wheel diode. Thus even 10% PWM is probably going to give > 50% full current. BTW you can use a multimeter in current measurement mode to check this
    transfer function for yourself.