PWM controller

Hello people.

Just get my PWM controller (

But I'm afraid to burn making calls or wrong programming, without even having used.

Has anyone used this card?
For serving R_IS and L_IS pins and R_EN and L_EN pins and tb R_PWM and L_PWM

It has the wiring diagram or a sketch to send me?

I thank since already their collaboration

R_EN and L_EN are most likely Right and Left motor enable. R_PWM and L_PWM are PWM inputs for the motors. L_IS and R_IS could be direction control.

It depends if you're using two motors (one direction only) or one motor (bidirectional).

VCC / GND is 5V and GND from the Arduino.

Ignore R_IS and L_IS, but they can be used for current sensing.

Tie both R_EN and L_EN to an IO pin - both can be tied to a single pin if you only have one motor. Set the pin high to enable the drivers, but you should also connect a 10K resistor between R_EN/L_EN and GND to keep the pins pulled low and prevent the motors from spinning up when the Arduino is off or disconnected.

RPWM and LPWM are tied to separate PWM pins:

LPWM low RPWM low - motor freewheels.
LPWM high RPWM low - motor spins one direction
LPWM low RPWM high - motor spins other direction
LPWM high RPWM high - motor brake (stationary, hard to turn)

"low" should usally be analogWrite(0) unless you want a stuttery motor motion (controlled/slow descent of a car down an incline, for example), but "high" can be any analogWrite value to vary the speed.