Hi I want to control 4 things using pwm but they can all use the same pwm. Do I need to use 4 digital pins and send 4 pwm or can I use one wire and solder 4 wires on the end. Or does that mess with the current or whatever since its more area
What are "things" ?
A (PWM) pin can drive 1, 10, 100 things, as long as the pin current stays within the 20mA limit (assuming Uno).
Trying to control 4 esc's. Oh do different pwm inputs take different amounts or something? Just want to send the same pwm to all the esc having exact equal speeds isn't really import just that they're all going. Id just rather use one digital pin than 4. Also I think Im gonna try using the Arduino nano which I've never used before but I'm assuming its pretty much the same
PWM input? You mean output (from the Arduino's point of view).
Expecting the same motor speed with the same PWM pin to different ESCs and motors is wishful thinking.
I said I don't need the same motor speed. My only question is that if I can send pwm through one wire and solder 4 wires on the end and the pwm come out of each of the 4 as if it were direct from the Arduino in a normal 1 to 1
What kind of ESCs are you talking about?
Do you have a link to the ESCs you have?
The term ESC often refers to a radio control hobby motor controller.
The arduino communicates to such a device using the Servo library. Is that what you are intending to do?
I said I don't need the same motor speed. My only question is that if I can send pwm through one wire and solder 4 wires on the end and the pwm come out of each of the 4 as if it were direct from the Arduino in a normal 1 to 1
If whatever you are connecting the 4 wires to does not overload the PWM pin then yes all four things will get the same PWM signal.
Do it and see what happens. Please report your findings with all the appropriate links.