PWM IC to use for MOSFETs

I'm very happily and successfully dimming some 12V LED Bars with the Arduino PWM pins and several RFP12N10L MOSFETS that I picked up...but I'd like to add more LED bars (and control them independently) but I'm out of PWM pins on my Arduino.

I've used several LED drivers with Arduinos in the past, but they are all constant current sink...would that work with the MOSFETs? If not, does anyone know of an IC (preferably with an SPI or similar interface) that would?

Still no suggestions?

It's not an IC exactly, but the "PMWPal" will give you four more PWM outputs.

look at getting a Sanguino( AtMega644 ), it has 6 PWM pins.

Correction: The AtMega168 has 6 PWM pins! I've corrected this post to not steer anyone else wrong. My bad, I must have clicked the link to the AtMega8 PDF by mistake and saw 3 PWM. As stated by others, the current Arduino's using the AtMega168 chip have 6 PWM pins.

Don't the new Arduino's have 6 PWM out pins? (The ones with the AtMega168?)

yes. 6 pwm pins

Need to remember that two of the PWM outputs are not as accurate as the other four though, because of the millis timer.