Why do they label all digital pins on the board as pwm capable when only pins 2-13 work? All other pins when configured as pwm crash MBED OS. What the heck!
Technically they are all pwm capable, but a "safe approach" was adopted... see comment here if you wish to modify this default behaviour:
I'm confused about the comment "Technically they are all pwm capable, but a "safe approach" was adopted... see comment here if you wish to modify this default behavior:"
Found more information. look here for the answer.
I get that the pins are clearly defined for PWM in the Giga Cheat sheet. But it seems like other pins might be PWM capable. The connectors on the board detail other potential PWM pins. Yet no documentation. Saying all GPIO pins are PWM capable seems a stretch. Unless you are referring to coding a software PWM. That of course is possible. But I suspect that the J6 Arducam Camera Connector's XCLK (driven by the Giga) on D57 is a hardware driven clock. Or is it a software driven clock. I hope not. I want it to run at 12MHz with a fairly clean control on duty cycle of 50%.
If you know more about PWM and what the Giga has for hardware PWM outputs that are not documented I would appreciate your insight.
Try looking at the Full Pinout, which you can get to from the GIGA main documentation page.
ABX00063-full-pinout.pdf (arduino.cc)
Look in the advanced areas in this document, you will see:
This shows you which timers are on those pins. This is true with several other pages
which give you more information about each pin
I assumed I had looked at the full documentation. If I had scrolled down more I would have found it! But I assumed J6 was fully defined earlier. Thanks Again.
Now I'm struggling with figuring out how to program D57 using Timer / channel three.