Hey there folks,
We are trying to programm a 8x8x8 RGB cube for our integrated project. We are a bit stuck on our code tho. When we try to change the brightness of the leds using our TLC5940 it doesnt work ;(
Tlc.set(3, 4095); we found that changing the second value would change the voltage on pin 3 of the TLC but this doesnt work for us
If someone could help us how to change the brightness it would be greatly appreciated.
Also someone with expirience that we could dm during our project (2 weeks) would be nice !
#include "Tlc5940.h"
#include <ShiftRegister74HC595.h>
ShiftRegister74HC595 sr (1,2,5,3); //serialDataPin, clockPin, latchPin);
void setup()
Tlc.init(0); // initialise TLC5940 and set all channels off
void loop() {
Tlc.set(3, 4095);
Tlc.set(6, 4095);
for(int r=0;r<8;r++){
sr.set(r, HIGH);
sr.set(r, LOW);
Enclose the code in code tags
Syntax : 'code' inside =>[] at both the beginning and the end of the code.
(just like in html whatever)
Post a link of the library you are using for your Tlc5940.(using url tags)
First of all, check if the circuitry is correct.
Try it with just one led and then connect all the leds to the Tlc5940 if brightness of the first led could be controlled.
Also someone with expirience that we could dm during our project (2 weeks) would be nice !
Thats called hiring, you better be ready be ready to pay him up if you really want that.
Use the Serial Monitor to print the flow of the sketch.
This will help in keeping track of your code and and makes it easier to debug Run Time Errors
#include "Tlc5940.h"
void setup()
while (!Tlc.init(0)) // initialise TLC5940 and set all channels off
Serial.println("TLC Initializing");
Serial.println("TLC Initialized");
void loop()
Tlc.set(3, 4095);
Serial.println("TLC set 3");
Tlc.set(6, 4095);
Serial.println("TLC set 6");
Serial.println("TLC updated");
Try this code once, you will know exactly where you are stuck.
Hello my dear friend,
When i insert this code it doesnt come around to updating. In other words it sets the values but doesnt update at all.
Post the link to the library you downloaded