pwm out 4 times larger

is there a way to put a pwm signal into arduino, and give it out 4 times larger?
i know there is a way to set the output signal as same as the input signal. but i can't remember the code but it could be the solution.
Any suggestions?

when you say 4 time larger do you mean in term of frequency or do you mean in term of voltage?
if in term of voltage i think you could use the npn pnp transistor push pull circuit?
if in term of frequency i may be wrong but this is what in only know. urm you could change the arduino frequency from 8 but to 16 bit.... or you need to find any dedicated pwm ic to do the dirty work

is there a way to put a pwm signal into arduino, and give it out 4 times larger?

Out 4 times larger as in 20 volts? What does "4 times larger" mean?

sorry for that. i meant that i need to convert a 2ms pulse into a 8ms pulse. the frequency shouldn't be changed, just the duration of the pulse.

since your talking about pwm in the realm of ms... why don't you just use the blink without delay to get the timing you need?

i got a remote which i want to configure for antoher device.
This remote sends a 2ms pulse. but i need a 8 ms pulse.

This remote sends a 2ms pulse.

This remote? Hold it a little closer to the camera will you?

but i need a 8 ms pulse.

For what?

If you want any real help, you'll need to volunteer some information.

This library will read one or more RC Channels (1 to 2ms pulse width) and will output one or more RC Channels - however it does not check the pulsewidth that you want to output on the basis that you might have a good reason for wanting an 8ms output pulse - as I assume you do.

Duane B