PWM vs Analog

Is PWM interchangeable with an analog pin (through the analog.write command)?

Let me reiterate:
Can I send an analog signal (Like the one simulated by PWM) through, say, one of the analog pins?
The reason relates to the AnalogWriteMega lesson in the learning section (
I wanted to implement this example on my Uno, and was looking for a way to get more outputs, to drive more LEDs (fading LEDs, that is) with my available pins.

Let me reiterate:
Can I send an analog signal (Like the one simulated by PWM) through, say, one of the analog pins?
The reason relates to the AnalogWriteMega lesson in the learning section (
I wanted to implement this example on my Uno, and was looking for a way to get more outputs, to drive more LEDs (fading LEDs, that is) with my available pins.

I don't believe so, as the analogWrite command utilized internal hardware timers to generate the PWM signals and those timers are 'hardwired' to specific pins inside the chip. However analog input pins can be used as digital pins, so with software generated PWM commands (not utilizing internal hardware timers) it is possible to generate PWM outputs from the analog pins.


That's nice...
I'm off to implement! Will report with updates.