Q about arrays/indexing. An easy answer???

Hi guys, first post.

I have trawled the web and just cant find a simple, definitive answerer/solution to my problem.

I have 20 LEDs connected in 2 coloums(by the cathodes) x 10 Rows of 2(by their anodes).

I have the following code(which will be hideously inefficient);

int Rows[10] = {2, 5, 4, 6, 7, 9, 8, 10, 12, 11};                  //Create an array of pins
int pinCount = 10;
int cathA = 3;                                                  //Declare pin 3 as cathode A
int cathB = 13;                                                 //Declare pin 13 as cathode B

void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600);                                          //Open serial port at 9600 baud (just in case)

for (int thisRow = 0; thisRow < pinCount; thisRow++) {      //Incriment the pins used and set them as outputs
  pinMode(Rows[thisRow], OUTPUT);
  pinMode(cathA, OUTPUT);                                   //Declare cathode A as output
  pinMode(cathB, OUTPUT);                                   //Declare cathode B as output
  digitalWrite(cathA, HIGH);                                //Set cathode A pin high (turns off cathA column)
  digitalWrite(cathB, HIGH);                                //Set cathode B pin high (turns off cathB column)
for (int thisRow = 0; thisRow < pinCount; thisRow++) {      //Incriment the pins used
  digitalWrite(Rows[thisRow], LOW);                         //Turn off all LEDs

void loop() {
  /* **********************************************************************************************************************
//PATTERN 1                                                    //Makes LED chaser up column A and down column B

int i=0;                                                       //Create counter i and initialize to 0                                            
while (i<=10){                                                 //Create a while loop to run trhough pattern 1 10 times
  digitalWrite(cathA, LOW);                                   //Ground the cathode A pin by sending it low
for (int thisRow = 0; thisRow < pinCount; thisRow++) {         // loop from the lowest pin to the highest:
  digitalWrite(Rows[thisRow], HIGH);                          // turn the pin on:
  delay(70);                                                   //pause
  digitalWrite(Rows[thisRow], LOW);                           // turn the pin off:
  digitalWrite(cathA, HIGH);                                  //Send cathA HIGH to turn off column
  digitalWrite(cathB, LOW);                                    //Take cathB LOW to ground column
for (int thisRow = pinCount - 1; thisRow >= 0; thisRow--) {    //Then loop from the highest pin to the lowest:
  digitalWrite(Rows[thisRow], HIGH);                          // turn the pin on:
  delay(70);                                                  //'pause
  digitalWrite(Rows[thisRow], LOW);                           // turn the pin off:
  digitalWrite(cathB, HIGH);                                  //Send cathB HIGH again to turn off column
  i=i+1;                                                       //Add 1 to the count


//PATTERN 2                                                      //Makes 2 column LED chaser

i=0;                                                            //Reset counter i to 0
while (i<=10){                                                  //Create while loop
  digitalWrite(cathA, LOW);                                    //Ground the cathode A pin by sending it low
  digitalWrite(cathB, LOW);                                    //Ground the cathode B pin by sending it low                             
for (int thisRow = 0; thisRow < pinCount; thisRow++) {         // loop from the lowest pin to the highest:
  digitalWrite(Rows[thisRow], HIGH);                          // turn the pin on:
  digitalWrite(Rows[thisRow], LOW);                           // turn the pin off:
for (int thisRow = pinCount - 1; thisRow >= 0; thisRow--) {    //Then loop from the highest pin to the lowest:
  digitalWrite(Rows[thisRow], HIGH);                          // turn the pin on:
  digitalWrite(Rows[thisRow], LOW);                           // turn the pin off:


(hope the html code tag is acceptable?)

What I am trying to do now is write to every other pin of the array. So a counter that starts at index 0 and skips next pin, writes to index 2(which is LED3) skips one, writes to 4 etc etc, then the same thing but starting at index 1, skip one, go to index 3, skip one, etc. Do you follow what I mean?

What Ive tried(other than days of fruitless googling);

for (int thisRow = 0; thisRow<pinCount; thisRow +2){
     digitalWrite(Rows[thisRow], HIGH);

This obviously didnt work. Then I tried

   digitalWrite(Rows[0,2,4,6,8], HIGH);

And that didnt work either.

So please, I ask for your help....how do I create a for loop (or function) to increment through every other pin? (if it's possible...it must be).

Thank you for your time, I hope the format of the post is ok.

ps, I am very, very new to arduino and code, so baby talk please. Cheers all.

try thisRow = ThisRow + 2 in your for loop.


for (int thisRow = 0; thisRow<pinCount; thisRow += 2){

In general in C:

a++;     // add one to a
a += 2;  // add two to a
a -= 42; // subtract 42 from a
a *= 2;  // multiply a by 2

Ahhhh thank you very much....I was like a drunk with a door key, roughly in the vicinity but not getting in anytime soon :slight_smile: