
Hello everyone!

I've been given a quadcopter from my university and I've got a few questions about it. The quadcopter is a turnigy micro-x quadcopter dsm2 compatible (ill post a link at the bottom) from hobbyking. What I want to do is burn the arduino bootloader onto the atmel uc, and utilize the onboard mpu6050 ( ive already written and tested the sketch for the mpu). I also want to use an nrf24l01 transceiver. However the quadcopter is very badly documented and I don't know how the mpu6050 is connected to the quadcopter or where the available pins are. My question is: has anyone tried to hack this quadcopter to do something similar? Also do you know where I can get schematics for it or anything that will help me determine what's connected where?


There a lot of "MultiWii" documentation.

I Googled "multiwii nRF24L01+" and found lots of interesting information.