Quadopter esc overheated help please


Iam building a quadcopter using hobbymate 2204 brushless motors and 12a simonk esc.

I was making some tests and one of the propelers hit my arm and start working wrong. It spins and the esc overheat. One of the esc chip gets red

I test the motor with one of the other esc and work good. I test the esc with other motor and the motor spins and the esc overheats.

Is the esc broken or there is something i can do?

I attached an image of the esc and the motor if it helps. As you can see on the secind attanchment you can see that one of the componentshas a mark. And two of the pins are soldered together is that ok?

Thanks a lot


The two pins soldered together should not be an issue if they are the two in the middle. On one side 4 of the pins are connected together anyway( drain normally) and 3 on the other side(source).

The big bulge in the center of the FET is a problem, looks like a blown MOSFET.


Iam building a quadcopter using hobbymate 2204 brushless motors and 12a simonk esc.

I was making some tests and one of the propelers hit my arm and start working wrong. It spins and the esc overheat. One of the esc chip gets red

I test the motor with one of the other esc and work good. I test the esc with other motor and the motor spins and the esc overheats.

Is the esc broken or there is something i can do?

I attached an image of the esc and the motor if it helps. As you can see on the secind attanchment you can see that one of the componentshas a mark. And two of the pins are soldered together is that ok?

Thanks a lot


The two pins soldered together should not be an issue if they are the two in the middle. On one side 4 of the pins are connected together anyway( drain normally) and 3 on the other side(source).

The big bulge in the center of the FET is a problem, looks like a blown MOSFET.

Thanks for the asnwer.

I am trying to learn from each of this problem.

What should have cause that?

Do you rhink i should get a replecement?


In my experience ESCs blow up regularly, they have no margin for error and are often poorly constructed -
stalling a prop is one way to burn them, failed to connect all three motor wires is another, but I've seen
them just explode on initial power up. They often are very cheap units for RC use with no pretentions to
robustness or reliability - protection circuitry costs money you see.

In my experience ESCs blow up regularly, they have no margin for error and are often poorly constructed -
stalling a prop is one way to burn them, failed to connect all three motor wires is another, but I've seen
them just explode on initial power up. They often are very cheap units for RC use with no pretentions to
robustness or reliability - protection circuitry costs money you see.

I see. It sucks anyways

Now i am looking for a replacement. If i am not able to get a 12a esc, a 15 or 20 amps esc would work well for the quad. Or the fact that the other 3 are 12a would make it work wrong?

I do not know if is ok to have one esc of 15a for example and the other 3 of 12a?


I see. It sucks anyways

Now i am looking for a replacement. If i am not able to get a 12a esc, a 15 or 20 amps esc would work well for the quad. Or the fact that the other 3 are 12a would make it work wrong?

I do not know if is ok to have one esc of 15a for example and the other 3 of 12a?


If you have the same firmware and calibrated the same then it shouldn't matter if you have a different esc in there. I made a quad once with four different motors ( same props) and four different esc's and it still flew (not great.. had some yaw issues from the different motors).

If you get an esc with different firmware then you may have an issue, some have active braking by default and some don't.. might cause an issue. It would probably still fly though..

It sounds like the esc's are a little undersized. A 2204 motor and a 5 inch prop can draw 15-20 amps or more at full throttle. When you stall the prop on that size motor you will be far exceeding the current limit of the esc.

Newer firmwares have low_rpm_protection features in case of prop stalls ( blheli firmware). Some more expensive esc's ( KISS ) have current monitoring.

Myself, l put arm/disarm on a switch and flick it when I know all hope is lost of keeping the craft airborne.

If you have the same firmware and calibrated the same then it shouldn't matter if you have a different esc in there. I made a quad once with four different motors ( same props) and four different esc's and it still flew (not great.. had some yaw issues from the different motors).

If you get an esc with different firmware then you may have an issue, some have active braking by default and some don't.. might cause an issue. It would probably still fly though..

It sounds like the esc's are a little undersized. A 2204 motor and a 5 inch prop can draw 15-20 amps or more at full throttle. When you stall the prop on that size motor you will be far exceeding the current limit of the esc.

Newer firmwares have low_rpm_protection features in case of prop stalls ( blheli firmware). Some more expensive esc's ( KISS ) have current monitoring.

Myself, l put arm/disarm on a switch and flick it when I know all hope is lost of keeping the craft airborne.

Thanks for that. I will get a simonk esc to match the other ones.

I bought a combo (motors + esc) so i though that the escs matcher the motors. But from your comments i will try to get a 20amps esc as a replacement and if i see a change i will replace the other ones.

One other question do you think i should flash all the esc with blheli?

Thanks a lot