Hello there,
Help Needed.
I have one of these (260907 - Series 07 incremental hollow shaft encoder up to 12 mm) and need help reading the RPM on Serial Monitor and also outputting as voltage (0-5v) for use in a DAQ.
Can someone please help. I've seen a couple of sample codes online but since my experience coding the Arduino UNO is very limited I've not been able to make much success setting this up.
Many solutions I found online use the digitalWriteFast, I was able to successfully read the Encoder on serial using the code here: http://yameb.blogspot.com/2012/11/quadrature-encoders-in-arduino-done.html
Encoder Ticks: 0 Revolutions: 0.00
Encoder Ticks: 0 Revolutions: 0.00
Encoder Ticks: 0 Revolutions: 0.00
Encoder Ticks: 9978 Revolutions: 2.49
Encoder Ticks: 9934 Revolutions: 2.47
Encoder Ticks: 9870 Revolutions: 2.46
Encoder Ticks: 9842 Revolutions: 2.46
Encoder Ticks: 9816 Revolutions: 2.45
Encoder Ticks: 9782 Revolutions: 2.44
I will really appreciate someone helping me out.
thanks.. eagerbeaver